How to correctly adjust the backpack

In music, the purity of music and the beauty of the melody depends not only on the quality of the piano and the virtuosity of the pianist. This is certainly important. But only a properly tuned instrument helps to avoid embarrassment, false notes and the whistling of a disappointed audience.
Only properly adjusted backpack allows you to enjoy all the advantages of comfortable accessory use.
No matter how sophisticated the manufacturer is while developing the most ergonomic designs, you have the final chord. And now we’re going to tell you how to make it sound in major key!
How to make the backpack comfortable to a maximum for yourself and why it is so important?
You will notice at once, should someone switch chairs in in the office after cleaning. The back tilt is wrong, the height is not yours, the legs are not comfortable... Most likely, you will sit in all the chairs until you find the one, in which every notch and bulge is tuned to you.
This suggests that even completely identical office chairs can give a different degree of comfort depending on their configuration.
4 steps to comfort: how to quickly and efficiently customize your backpack.
In its significance, this process resembles the cutting of a gemstone.
Step 1. Pack your backpack. Only a filled accessory will fit tightly to the back and give a correct idea of how it will feel when used daily.
Step 2. Putting on the backpack correctly is also an art! You are used to throwing it over your shoulders with a swing, while frantically twisting your arms and groping for straps? Or do you jump up and down like doing a Tibetan shaman dance? Oddly enough, it’s a very common method. But it’s wrong. Sometimes even quite traumatic. It is better to put the backpack on the table or on another elevated surface with straps facing you, turn your back to it, put your hands in the shoulder straps - and presto! The backpack will immediately sit on your back as it should.
Step 3. Adjust the shoulder straps. Tighten them one by one by pulling the free end down and back a bit. They should be relatively loose, not slip off or squeeze the shoulders.
Step 4. Chest strap (if available). When the model offers this perk, never ignore it. Fasten the fastex and adjust just like you did with the shoulder straps. This simple strap plays a huge role in maintaining correct posture and creating comfort: stabilizes the backpack, prevents quick fatigue and slipping of straps, helps with correct weight distribution.
How to adjust the backpack for a woman, man, child
Due to anatomical features, women and men have different distribution of the center of gravity: for women it is closer to the abdomen, and for men – in the chest area. This too must be taken into account when adjusting the backpack.
For women. Loosen the straps slightly so that the main part of the backpack is centered on the back.
For men. Adjust the straps so that the top of the backpack is 5-8 cm below shoulders.
For children. The upper edge of the backpack should reach the shoulder line, and the lower should be about 4 cm below the waist.
This is important! The weight of the packed backpack should not exceed 10% of the total body weight.
And what’s most important! Listen to your feelings. We are all unique, with our unique peculiarities and preferences. Ask your body: if it is comfortable, then you did everything right.